On behalf of everyone at Inspiring Choices & Oxygen4Life we hope you, your family and loved ones remain safe and well during these unprecedented times as the world faces the current coronavirus situation.
The health and wellbeing of yourself, your family and the wider Inspiring Choices & Oxygen4Life family are our priority at this time, and we have begun to roll out our revised policies and procedures to provide appropriate patient care and safety.
How can you help us?
Some of our clients are immune compromised and are at greater risk we do not wish to place them and our staff at additional risk.
In response to COVID-19 we ask that:
You do not attend if you have a upper respiratory infection symptoms:

On arrival use the hand sanitizer available for clients to use at front desk and around the clinic
You arrive at your appointment on time
You do not arrive early or late, as we try to minimise the number of people in our waiting area
Where possible please come alone or with one parent/carer
Usually we encourage siblings, extended family and any significant others to attend however due to the current situation we are looking to limit the number of people in the rooms.
We hope you understand and respect our requests.
What are we doing?
We would like to reassure everyone that we have always and will always follow appropriate hygiene practices.
Staff follow proper hand wash and antibacterial gel procedures
We use disinfectant spray on all equipment used in therapy
This regular cleaning procedure has now been extended to include all door handles and front counter surfaces in the clinic
We have removed all toys and books from the waiting area
Essential Oil hand and air disinfectant spray available in waiting area for patient use (among gel hand sanitizers)
Purification Essential oils diffusing in waiting area
We do not supply masks for patients, however our staff in Reception and Hyperbaric Oxygen locations will be wearing disposable masks
Our Staff’s and clinician Requirements (includes EVERYONE working in the office):
stay at home if they have symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection.
Can return to work if:
isolated for 14 days since onset of symptoms or, can return sooner if medically cleared by your GP and/or tested negative for COVID-19 virus.
stay at home if a household member has COVID-19 virus for 14 days minimum.
stay at home for 14 days from arrival of international travel.
stay at home for 14 days from arrival of a household member who has travelled internationally.
If we have been made aware after the fact of a patient who has come to our office while being positive for COVID-19 virus will hire a professional cleaning company to do a ‘Terminal Clean’ as described by the Australian Government Health Department document entitled: “Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19”.
Did you know?
We advocate our integrative care services for improving immune function. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be a great adjunctive treatment for Immune Modulation, as it enhances the efficiency of lung function by supplying the body with 1000x more oxygen than normal.
Please note: Our clinic is not a infection control medical facility and we can not treat COVID-19 patients without risking other patients. However we can provide preventive care to enhance lung function to individuals whom may be at risk.

Introducing Alecia Chan, Dr Samvat’s Associate Chiropractor in training. She will be available to take appointments straight away, offering services to help rebalance your nervous system and regain your optimal health. Alecia has always had a passion for health and wellbeing. Her studies have been focused around chiropractic, yoga and ergonomics.
She began researching for alternative health modalities for her one year old son who had episodes of seizures at that time, and after his first chiropractic adjustment, seizures never return, which motivated her to pursue her further education in chiropractic.
The following services can be available through video conferencing:
TimeWaver Wellbeing Assessment by Michaela Slancova
Relationship and Family Counselling and the work of Social Brain with Dr Arini Verwer
Myofunctional Therapy with Janna Kremez
Psychology consultations with Lynne Wu
What we are providing in the clinic to assist you to keep our immunity strong as a prevention.
Your immune and nervous system is challenged on a daily basis with any number of things.If your Immune System is not as strong as it should be then we should consider supporting our system with super foods minerals and nutrients. This will assist our bodies and boost our immune system to help cope with the day to day bombardment of things like Parasites, Viruses, Toxins, Fungus, Bacteria and Mould.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Immune Modulation – Hyperbaric Oxygen is not a “cure” for most indications but it has been clearly demonstrated to dramatically modulate immune function which benefits patients with problems ranging from chronic wounds to complex disabilities and neurological impairment.
Mal-X by Paradise Nutrients and 98 Alive Immune Support Syrup and Capsules – For many years Tea Tree, (Melaleuca Alternifolia) has been grown and harvested for its oil extracts. These extracts have been mainly used for treating viruses, infections, bacteria, mould and fungus. Aboriginal culture uses Tea Tree for its medicinal benefits both topical and in their diets for disease prevention and general wellbeing.
Nasal Spray by Paradise Nutrients – Nasal Mist is a combination of pure clean water and a MAC comedic solution containing 0.02% of MAC. Mac is a special concentrated formula made from Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea tree). Recent research included a range of air-borne and surface contaminating infectious bacteria including: Corynebacterium diphtheria, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilia influenza, Legionella pneumophillia, and Streptococcus pyogenic. All were killed by MAC at 0.02% concentration.Maintain a healthy nervous system
Chiropractic care and N.O.T ( neuro-organizational Technique) assist in increase brain plasticity and reduces the physical stress which may lead to compromised immunity.(Teodorczyk-Injeyan JA, Injeyan HS, McGregor M, Harris GM, Ruegg R. Enhancement of in vitro interleukin-2 production in normal subjects following a single spinal manipulative treatment. Chiropr Osteopat. 2008;16:5. Published 2008 May 28. doi:10.1186/1746-1340-16–5)
Most Importantly
Remember to show empathy, kindness, compassion, and respect for those around you. We believe we are stronger when we work together. You have lots of control over the state of your health. A virus or bacteria will only inhabit a hospitable host. This means that, if your body is not an environment that the virus can thrive in, it won’t!
Special Cases
If you have an upper respiratory tract infection, and have been medically confirmed negative for COVID-19, please call us to disucss how we can serve you in a safe manner.we will do our best to find a time in our schedule when there will be no close proximity with other patients.If you have a compromised immune system, and are worried of coming in despite the actions we have taken – please call us.we will do our best to find a time in our schedule when there will be no close proximity with other patients.note that this means we may not be able to accommodate your preferred appointment time.
Where to obtain more information
Updated information on COVID-19 is available on the following websites:
We thank you in advance in partnering with us to make our clinic safe for everyone.
With Gratitude,
The whole team at
Inspiring Choices
This information stated above is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your practitioner or qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding specific medical indications. The information provided does not constitute a medical recommendation and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.